If you have the time ...more originals

Welcome to "Quailscapes & Escapes" THE MAGIFICENT MARITIMES Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page I -Newest Watercolours 2010 Page 8 Page 5 -Some of my favourite originals......gone to homes all over the world... Page 6 Page 7 Photos of the helmet painted for a silent Auction for a worthy Foundation... PLAYING WITH PASTELS & PORTRAITS NEWEST ORIGINALS FOR JUNE 2011 Blog Here are the new Fall 2011 originals APRIL 2012 - LATEST ORIGINALS

Photo Gallery

The joy of painting the beautiful scenery in Canada is endless - as are the breathtaking vistas and scenes there are to see.... 

Old Pararie trucks - Saskatchewan

A forest warbler near Chamcook Lake N B

Sandpiper - Vancouver Island - near Tofino BC

The Old bridge - Sussex, N B

The Tobique River - good salmon fishing.....N B

Washing on the line - lupins and fresh Atlantic breeze................aaaaaah!

Brief Description

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