Welcome to "Quailscapes & Escapes"

Welcome to "Quailscapes & Escapes" THE MAGIFICENT MARITIMES Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page I -Newest Watercolours 2010 Page 8 Page 5 -Some of my favourite originals......gone to homes all over the world... Page 6 Page 7 Photos of the helmet painted for a silent Auction for a worthy Foundation... PLAYING WITH PASTELS & PORTRAITS NEWEST ORIGINALS FOR JUNE 2011 Blog Here are the new Fall 2011 originals APRIL 2012 - LATEST ORIGINALS

I have been painting through the Winter months and shall upload new original slides soon...watch this space.....I have made some attempts at new subject matter and experimenting with other mediums, I have now a Pastel & Portrait Page.....NEWEST ORIGINALS NOW UPLOADED

This year I shall be painting at the St Stephen Tourist Bureau on special holidays ....

In 2011, I  entered the Two Countries One Bay Artists Tour, so do pop in to see a work in progress...(website details below..)

 ....in 2010, I  painted with chocolate, at the Chocolate Festival, painting on white chocolate WITH milk and dark cholocate (gives an almost sepia effect)  - I believe this is the first time anyone has tried to do this, so it should be exciting and interesting to work with this unusual medium.

I was also asked to paint a soldiers helmet for the True Patriot Love Foundation, who support families of wounded soldiers returning from war. An interesting project and a "silent auction" will be held in October 2010 to raise funds.

 As "Artist of the Month" at Endeavours in Fredericton, opposite the Historic Garrison Quarter ..2008/09, it encouraged me to participate again in the "Two Countries - One Bay 2009" art/gallery/studio tour.

(Please note my email address  :- shalimar0@hotmail.com )  (that is a zero)

I was born in East Africa and have had the pleasure of living in several countries throughout my professional capacity. I have followed a full and successful career, until retiring, when I decided to start painting........ 

I enjoy the challenge of working with Acrylics as well as Watercolours and am now attempting pastels. I have attended several workshops over the years and have followed Jerry Yarnell School of Fine Art for guidance and education for the last six years ...he is a wonderful Tutor.

I would like to thank my mentors, who have shown patience and have guided me to see, that inside each and every one of us, is an artist of some form or another.  Thank you, Sandra Albo - a wonderful painter, teacher and inspiration, Barb Hofer, to whom I thank the fact I have even tried watercolours, her gentle coaxing and encouragement were a tonic - both Federation of Canada Artists.  

I have exhibited in several of the famous Okanagan Valley Wineries; Osoyoos Art Gallery; the B C Visitors' Centre; Handworks Gallery, Oliver B C;The Wine Centre, Oliver B C, The Wool Emporium in St Stephen,and the new Boutique by the Sea, also in St Andrews, and Sunbury Shores Art Gallery, also in St Andrews-by-the-Sea. 

Chocolate paintings  on show and for sale in the Chocolate Museum of St Stephen, and the Chocolatier Shop on the Boulevard, as well as in Moncton, N B.  All monies raised from the chocolate paintings (which are coated in varythane to make them last) will be given to the Museums' Education for Children Fund.




I have donated original paintings to several charities, and have also painted and donated to and for silent auctions, and fund-raising events - lately to a charity who provides musical instruments for socially challenged children in Scotland.

Also have donated a soldiers helmet for a silent auction to raise funds for this foundation.



I shall keep my newest paintings updated on the site

I shall be pleased to hear your comments.

I paint on acid free paper or gallery canvasses.  Todate, I am happy to say, some of my paintings are in homes in : Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, USA and all over Canada, from Richmond BC to Prince George, Halifax, Toronto, Montreal, etc.etc.

**Please note my new email below:-

Please travel through my pages and discover colour and images

