Welcome to "Quailscapes & Escapes" THE MAGIFICENT MARITIMES Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page I -Newest Watercolours 2010 Page 8 Page 5 -Some of my favourite originals......gone to homes all over the world... Page 6 Page 7 Photos of the helmet painted for a silent Auction for a worthy Foundation... PLAYING WITH PASTELS & PORTRAITS NEWEST ORIGINALS FOR JUNE 2011 Blog Here are the new Fall 2011 originals APRIL 2012 - LATEST ORIGINALS

Attempts to do something different........Pastels and Portraits

Over the Winter, I tried a couple of pastel originals....someone gave me a set for Christmas.....and it is not easy....but here are a few of my first attempts....

A Sleepy Sloop in the Morning Mist.....

Two Sloops on the St Croix River...the morning Mist is still rising..

Above...St Croix Island looking over towards Maine from New Brunswick...a pastel plethora..

Luscious Greens and Lovely Leaning Lilac-hued Lupins...a Maritime perspective....

A commissioned family portrait for Mothers' Day.......The Young Family..N B

Portrait of Julius second attempt at portraiture.....

WHEN ASKED IF I DO PORTRAITS, MY REPLY WAS A TENTATIVE..... not really, but I can try.... first attempt to do a child............